We have 3 litters at this time. We have , apricots, dark apricots, silver beige and Cafe'. We have both sex. Puppies will be ready for their new homes in October. They are 2,500.00 and all are sold with NO BREEDING RIGHTS!
Welcome to PJs Apricot Poodles
Top Quality Dog Breeder
At PJsApricotPoodles, we have been building our reputation as a trusted Dog Breeder. We bred our first poodles back in 1989. Since 1995, we have been located in Oregon where we live together with our animals. We have taken something which started as a family passion and turned it into a successful breeding business. We breed our animals to have friendly dispositions and fit in seamlessly as incredible family pets. We breed responsibly and according to the best practices of the trade, which makes us your go-to address to find your pet. We take our responsibilities very seriously and strive to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of all our pets. We raise exceptional animals in a loving and caring environment. Dedicated to following a responsible breeding program, our focus is on keeping our animals healthy and happy when they find their new homes. That's why the happiest days for us are when one of our animals is adopted by a loving and welcoming family.
Reach Out to Us: Your Trusted Dog Breeder
Email: pjapricotpoodle@gmail.com
or fill out the form and we'll be in touch!
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